Kunst werkt / Art works
This catalog, entitled ‘Kunst works’, shows a selection from the Peter Stuyvesant Collection between 1960 and 1990. At the start of a series of exhibitions in Spain, in 1991 the ‘Art works working committee’ was appointed. At the time, the Peter Stuyvesant Foundation had acquired approximately 900 international modern artworks for placement in offices and factories.
In 1960, the late director Alexander Orlow of the former Turmac cigarette factory began building an art collection that grew into the Peter Stuyvesant Collection. Orlow’s intention was to break through the monotonous character in the factory halls in both the Dutch and foreign locations and to stimulate the work ethic of the employees.
From 2007 the Collection was sold in three auctions. The Peter Stuyvesant Collection is the largest collection of post-war and contemporary art ever auctioned – the complete collection consisted of 1,500 works. It is also the first corporate collection compiled in the Netherlands. In 2012, the last 700 works from the Netherlands’ oldest corporate collection were auctioned.